Roadmap to Financial Freedom – Scale To 7 Figures and Beyond

  • Learn the secret to scaling your business to 7-figures and beyond
  • Stop trading your precious time for dollars.
  • Leverage technology and other people’s time and talent
  • Lead a team of trusted, top-tier trained virtual assistants
  • Work ON your business instead of IN it
  • Do less and achieve more
  • Build a wealth-generating business
roadmap to financial freedom

Still, running your business the same way you have for years hoping for better results? Here is the roadmap to financial freedom

That’s what Dave and Jeremy had done until it hit them that they weren’t growing. They were in the same place year after year and frustrated about it.

They’d used virtual assistants in the past but didn’t understand how to leverage their virtual assistants to do even more for them.

Even though they knew they were wasting their own time with menial day-to-day tasks, they had no idea how to outsource and focus their time on money-making activities.

Ready to give up, they finally decided to invest in themselves and try a new approach to business with the Time Roadmap to Financial Freedom.

In the 1st week of the program

They realized how much work they were each doing that was low value busy work that was keeping them from focusing on higher value tasks to grow the business.

By the 2nd week in the program

They had a detailed list of all the tasks they could delegate to a virtual assistant.

After 3 weeks in the program

We started to develop processes to prepare for hiring and training more virtual assistants to do the work for them.

By the 4th week in the program

They were relieved of stress, their company was more organized, they had a renewed commitment to their business, and they started getting leads consistently—fueling their journey to 7-figures.

6-Months Later

They had built an entire team is now doing all their lead generation and admin work for them. Last year was the first year in several that they had exceeded their income and growth goals.

The 7-Figure Secret Roadmap to Financial Freedom

Only 7% of all businesses hit the 7-figure mark in annual revenue.

93% of all businesses are stuck in a vicious cycle and never even make it to 6 figures because they get stuck working IN their businesses instead of ON them.

So what are those top 7% doing differently?

Here’s the thing…they’re not working any harder than you are.

Their day-to-day is probably a lot easier, calmer, and less stressful than yours is right now.

You probably didn’t start your business to work 7 days a week and take on all the duties of an employee and then some.

You didn’t start a business to be crushed by overwhelming stress that eats away at you late into the night.

You didn’t start a business to neglect your friends and family in favor of long hours sitting in front of the computer, or sorting through paperwork, or putting out endless fires.

So here’s the difference between the solopreneur slave you today and the 7-figure earning entrepreneur you are in the future.

The 7-figure business owner values their time more than anything and outsources the tasks they know they shouldn’t be doing.

Do Less and Achieve More = Wealth Generating Business

Why? Because more time = more bandwidth = more ideas = more money.

Your drive, passion, and motivation to get things done are what led to your success.

But at a certain point your willingness to work hard…which once set you apart from the masses…becomes a prison of your design.

Suddenly you can’t step away from the day-to-day tasks that keep your business afloat. You have become the bottleneck to growth in your business. Because what you did before to be successful won’t work to grow your business to 7 figures and beyond.

Do you find that you can’t stay off the phone, untangle yourself from endless email chains, or quit working on projects that never seem to take off?

Maybe you…

  • Had a bad experience with employees or contractors in the past and just don’t want to deal with managing people.
  • Don’t trust anyone else to take on the tasks that could make or break your business.
  • Don’t have the systems in place to run your business on autopilot because everything you do is stored in your head and not written down into simple but effective processes that you can delegate easily to someone else.

Let’s Get You Beyond The Bottleneck

Your business is ready to grow

Your business is dying a slow and painful death if it isn’t growing, whether you want to face that or not.

Your business has so much potential

And the number one thing holding it back is


It’s a vicious, overwhelming cycle.

But what if there was another way, an easier, faster way to transform the way you do business so that you can get your life back while doing less and achieving more?


The Time Freedom Roadmap

Expert Insights, 1-on-1 Business Coaching, Best In Class Virtual Assistant Services

The Time Roadmap to Financial Freedom sets you up with highly trained best-in-class virtual assistants, the tools to integrate them into your business, and the training you need to manage them and grow your business to the next level, the 7-figure income level.

This exact Roadmap has scaled countless companies to multi-million dollar yearly revenues by freeing up business owners’ time to focus on money-making activities.

We’ll be with you every step of the process as you master the fundamental concepts to grow your business using the secrets the top 7% have used to reach 7-figures and beyond.

The Time Roadmap to Financial Freedom is a Proven Process

StartVirtual was founded and is run by successful entrepreneurs who have grown businesses to 7-8-figure businesses. We’ve started and scaled our businesses to multi 7-8 figures and have coached thousands of business owners to do the same.

Our proprietary process empowers you to take charge of your business and get your passion for life back, by unlocking the leader within you.

Your very own business coach will guide you through the process every step of the way as you acquire a new clarity that’ll drive your success:

“I know exactly what’s working and what’s not working in my business.”

Business Assessment

Know your business inside and out. Discover exactly what’s working and what’s holding you back. Set a strong foundation to launch from.

I have a list of every task I do within my business and know what’s worth my time and what needs to be delegated or outsourced.” 

Activity Inventory

What do you actually do in your business? It might be a lot more than you think! Taking inventory of what you are spending all your precious time doing is an eye-opener.

“I can’t work ON my business if I’m working IN it. I’m ready to delegate the tasks that aren’t worth my time.” 

Delegate To Elevate

You will feel almost instant relief to discover that most tasks identified in your inventory can be delegated or outsourced. Nobody succeeds alone, we all need help sometimes. You need the time to work ON your business instead of being trapped working IN it.

The processes within my business are dialed in and new team members can easily be trained and eventually train other new hires. 

Process Development

No matter how smoothly your business is running, you can’t hire help if you don’t have rock-solid processes written down and recorded.

I have the right people working in the right places. Not only do they understand my values, but they live them and elevate my company as a whole.” 

Hire Virtual Assistants

it’s not just about hiring anybody, it’s about hiring the RIGHT person. Their skills, personality, and communication style should align with your company.

“I’m a leader now, guiding my business toward its most profitable year yet, instead of dragging it along behind me, and I have more free time than ever. 

Train and Lead

With standard operating procedures and a rockstar team, you can step into the leadership role and start charging toward that dream of running a 7-figure income business.

An Investment In Your Freedom

Once you’ve implemented the necessary processes and have a team of industry-leading talent you will…

  • Achieve more while doing less
  • Free up your time and energy to focus on high-value activities
  • Embrace a new and easier approach to business
  • Have the confidence to lead a rockstar team
  • Own a business that doesn’t need micromanaging and can run without you
  • Step into the position of leadership and be the visionary, rather than an employee in your business
  • Gain the freedom to live your life on your terms

Take a look inside

When you join our team, we hop in the trenches with you and go all in:

  • We first dive into all of the things that you are doing in your business that you shouldn’t be doing
  • We then calculate how much time and money your involvement in your business is costing you.
  • From here we dive into twice-weekly coaching calls with one of our business coaches where we get into the tactical pieces of auditing your time, creating processes, and understanding how you are going to reach your revenue goals.
  • Have the confidence to lead a rockstar team
  • Own a business that doesn’t need micromanaging and can run without you
  • Step into the position of leadership and be the visionary, rather than an employee in your business
  • Gain the freedom to live your life on your terms